Who do we help and how to receive our help?


The Polish Foun­da­tion for Afri­ca helps, whe­re others can­not or are not wil­ling to do so. We stri­ve for our help to work long-term. We build and reno­va­te farms, health cen­tres, wells and scho­ols. We chan­ge the lives of the resi­dents the­re for years to come. Howe­ver, we also help when the need arri­ves for quick and effec­ti­ve actions. This is true of Mada­ga­scar, whe­re chil­dren are sta­rving. In such cases imme­dia­te help is necessary.

We con­ti­nu­ously are looking for inte­re­sting, con­struc­ti­ve and needed pro­jects in Afri­ca, in which we could enga­ge our­se­lves. We mostly focus on:

  • Finan­cing the con­struc­tion of scho­ols, wells, water­works, hospi­tals, farms and other buil­dings serving the local communities,
  • Sup­por­ting actions, which help the growth of the eco­no­my, inc­lu­ding the deve­lop­ment of the local corporations,
  • Fun­ding the edu­ca­tion of poorer resi­dents of Africa,
  • Assi­sting with edu­ca­tio­nal ini­tia­ti­ves and tho­se, which ena­ble access to the scho­oling system.

We thus invi­te orga­ni­sa­tions ope­ra­ting in Afri­ca to col­la­bo­ra­te with the Polish Foun­da­tion for Afri­ca. Here you will find neces­sa­ry docu­ments to sub­mit a motion. All com­ple­te forms mail to: projekty@pomocafryce.pl or to the address of headqu­ar­ters of the Foun­da­tion. We ask all the pro­jects to be descri­bed, the­ir impor­tan­ce expla­ined, the loca­tion and bene­fi­cia­ries sta­ted, along with the num­ber of people, who will use it after reali­sa­tion of the pro­ject, its cost and the expec­ta­tion of fun­ding from us. We also ask you to spre­ad the infor­ma­tion abo­ut the possi­bi­li­ty of fun­ding by the Foun­da­tion of simi­lar pro­jects. If you know and people wor­king in favo­ur of Afri­ca (volun­ta­ries, mis­sio­na­ries, etc.), we would be gra­te­ful for pas­sing the infor­ma­tion onto them.



The foun­ders of the Foun­da­tions is a mar­ried couple – Justy­na and Woj­ciech Zięba.

The Polish Foun­da­tion for Afri­ca came into exi­sten­ce in Cra­cow, Poland on May 1st, 2012.

In Decem­ber 2013 it began the reali­sa­tion of sta­tu­to­ry objec­ti­ves. The aim of the Foun­da­tion is the pro­tec­tion of health of inha­bi­tants of Afri­ca and impro­ve­ment of the­ir living standards.


Betwe­en 2013 and 2022 the Foun­da­tion accom­pli­shed over 300 pro­jects in 20 coun­tries, focu­sing on fun­ding the con­struc­tion or reno­va­tion of scho­ols, wells, con­struc­tion or equ­ip­ping of cli­nics, labo­ra­to­ries and hospi­tals. The Foun­da­tion is most eager to finan­ce pro­jects, which give the possi­bi­li­ty of the local orga­ni­sa­tion, hel­ping the com­mu­ni­ty beco­ming self- ‑suf­fi­cient (food or finan­cial-wise — eg. a mill in Helo­ta in Togo or a farm for an orpha­na­ge in Mam­pi­ko­ny in Mada­ga­scar). The Foun­da­tion also funds emer­gen­cy pro­jects (eg. feeding during fami­ne in Burundia).

So far, our big­gest pro­ject is the con­struc­tion of a 4‑storey Polish Hospi­tal (100 beds) in Ant­si­ra­be in Mada­ga­scar. We are cur­ren­tly buil­ding a second hospi­tal, in Mam­pi­ko­ny. The first sta­ge of con­struc­tion, with an area of ​1700 sq m, is now ready.


In 2018 the Foun­da­tion orga­ni­sed a medi­cal mis­sion to Ant­si­ra­be in Mada­ga­scar. 7 doctors per­for­med over 400 paedia­tric con­sul­ta­tions and over 60 sur­ge­ries. The Foun­da­tion also left medi­cal equ­ip­ment worth 17 tho­usand PLN in the hospi­tal. In 2019 two more medi­cal mis­sions were sent to Mada­ga­scar, during which medi­cal assi­stan­ce was given to over 3 tho­usand people.

Kabu­la Nka­lan­go Masan­ja — an acti­vist for the rights of people suf­fe­ring from albi­nism. It tells how, after a bru­tal attack, she left the role of a vic­tim behind and began to chan­ge the world for the bet­ter.
You must listen to this ama­zing young woman! The Foun­da­tion fun­ded home fur­ni­shings for chil­dren with albi­nism in Mwan­za, Tan­za­nia, whe­re Kabu­la lives.


The con­struc­tion of wells occu­pies a spe­cial pla­ce among the com­ple­ted pro­jects. The Foun­da­tion has so far imple­men­ted over 100 such inve­st­ments, inc­lu­ding both deep wells and dug wells, and in some cases also neces­sa­ry infra­struc­tu­re. A signi­fi­cant part of the­se wells was built in Madagascar.

VIP pro­gram – have your well! It is possi­ble to fund an enti­re well in Mada­ga­scar. Abo­ve all, it is the satis­fac­tion of having fun­ded an enti­re pro­ject that chan­ges the lives of hun­dreds of people. It has beco­me a custom that the Donor cho­oses the name or patron of the well. After the well is built, the Spon­sor rece­ives pho­tos docu­men­ting its ope­ning or use. The cost of buil­ding one deep well is abo­ut 4500–5000 euro and the pump and exter­nal fini­shing abo­ut 1200 euro.

COUN­TRIES, WHE­RE THE FOUN­DA­TION REALI­SED AID PRO­JECTS: Ango­la, Bur­ki­na Faso, Burun­di, Chad, Ethio­pia, Gha­na, Came­ro­on, Kenya, Demo­cra­tic Repu­blic of the Con­go, Mada­ga­scar, Sene­gal, South Afri­ca, Cen­tral Afri­can Repu­blic, Rwan­da, Tan­za­nia, Togo, Ugan­da, Ivo­ry Coast, Zambia.

Our orga­ni­sa­tion also acts in Poland, by con­duc­ting edu­ca­tio­nal actions (exhi­bi­tions in scho­ols, youth work­shops, fun­ding con­fe­ren­ces for medi­cal stu­dents). The sum of dona­tions in recent years trans­fer­red by the Polish Foun­da­tion for Afri­ca to hel­ping Africa:

2023 – 2 272 665 EUROS
2022 – 2 331 024 EUROS
2021 – 1 794 921 EURO
2020 – 1 198 065 EUROS
2019 – 820 000 EUROS
2018 – 680 000 EUROS

Con­tact us:
pho­ne: +48 12 357 65 26
e‑mail: fundacja@pomocafryce.pl
Polish Foun­da­tion for Afri­ca, ul. Kro­wo­der­ska 24/3, 31–142 Kra­ków

Dona­tions in EURO:
65 1240 4533 1978 0010 6501 4557
IBAN Bank Pekao: PL 65 1240 4533 1978 0010 6501 4557